Wayne Benjamin presents: Us & Them
Us &Them is a drama series that revolves around the lives of four promiscuous Jamaican men. Chance, Mark, Wayne and Jason and the various interesting(to say the least)women in their lives.
The pilot sets the foundation for the seasons to follow, what happens to these four men and their relationships determines the following stories as each character battles with his own obstacles.
Us & Them plays out in a very provocative “real world” kind of way with a lot of sensational “WTF” moments. Each episode will leave the viewers hungry for the next.
The pilot sets the foundation for the seasons to follow, what happens to these four men and their relationships determines the following stories as each character battles with his own obstacles.
Us & Them plays out in a very provocative “real world” kind of way with a lot of sensational “WTF” moments. Each episode will leave the viewers hungry for the next.
US & Them - 6 min Demo
A six minute long demo showing one of the many scenarios in "Us & Them". Here we see Jason & Jennifer debating over the morning after pill.
- I like it but the girl look like trouble , some women just look thief. Andrew Baines
- Wow, I was glued to my computer screen LOL. I knew she wasn't going to take it!! Where will this be airing? Kristine Moodie
- I like the work , the quality madd, feeling the upgrade big time . All the best . Andrew Baines
- Get ready for Wayne Benjamin Fabrikated ProjeX series " US & THEM "!!! Mark Lecky
- A wonderful JAMAICAN DRAMA SERIES Produced by Wayne Benjamin ! The quality of your work is I think second to none!, your works are masterpieces and you really know your thing!. Alex Groove Master Martin-Blanken
- real vibez Yradie Yardie
- nice work on the series man! I liked it... Woman never wan tek de pill to rass! Jason Lannaman
- its looks really good. looking forward to the rest of it Karlene Nina Karle Levy
- this look really interesting Wayne, its a very good look, not lying i like it, nice directing/editing. the film look, even look great, nice story too. 1 thing tho she should take the pill, the man don't want a next child, he's already married.
HyaPure - That woman really want that baby, i wonder what is going to be the result of this?, cant wait to see what happen next. Apple Soulsaver Simon
- This film is LOVELY. You are so creative! Didn't want it to end. Barbara Makeda Blake Hannah
- Wayne your production is good..love it Leonard Afflalo
- Like it mi boss Stephen Eloquence Wilson
- love it!! Subreana Mullings ·
Behind the scenes - "Jennifer & Jason"
This is a behind the scenes look at one of the scenarios in "Us & Them". Featuring the characters Jennifer and Jason as they argue outside a pharmacy over a "morning after" pill. Watch interviews with both cast members Richard Browne and Tillese Houston plus words from the Director/Writer Wayne Benjamin.