My career has given me the opportunity to not only travel all around my country Jamaica but lots of locations worldwide as well.
On these adventures I've met many interesting people and visited many interesting places, from Jamaica to the Berlin Wall to walking on dried lava in Hawaii and so much more.
I've decided to share these experiences with the rest of the world the best way I know how, through motion pictures.
This brand new series will follow me as I interact with and learn from various individuals who spark my interest.
Believe me when I tell you, this is about to get interesting...
On these adventures I've met many interesting people and visited many interesting places, from Jamaica to the Berlin Wall to walking on dried lava in Hawaii and so much more.
I've decided to share these experiences with the rest of the world the best way I know how, through motion pictures.
This brand new series will follow me as I interact with and learn from various individuals who spark my interest.
Believe me when I tell you, this is about to get interesting...